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> 出国搬家 > 晒单列表 > 从无锡市搬家到葡萄牙
2289 晒单次数
总体评分(2191) 安全可靠(2248) 服务一流(2259) 省心省力(2228) 跟进及时(2239) 性价比高(2249)


International moves are always a real challenge. We had to leave China and return to Europe. It was then necessary to transport a wide variety of goods such as household and personal goods, clothing, paintings, books, household appliances – from cutlery to a wine fridge – but also furniture! Hailong adapted to the needs of each object transported and each one was carefully wrapped and protected. Hailong not only moved household goods and personal objects, but also moved feelings: they developed best practices to keep us informed, rested, and satisfied throughout the process. Hailong monitored the entire moving process and handled all logistical procedures and customs documentation required for transport. They also maintained permanent and quick contact, meeting our needs, answering our questions, solving our problems. Finally, everything arrived at our door (there were 50 crates!) and everything was in the same condition as when we left China. I highly recommend them! Thank you very much Hailong!
  • 距离10615km
  • 海运船期32天
  • 体积6m³
  • 综合评分
总体评分: 安全可靠( 5 ) 服务一流( 5 ) 省心省力( 5 ) 跟进及时( 5 ) 性价比高( 5 )
International moves are always a real challenge. We had to leave China and return to Europe. It was then necessary to transport a wide variety of goods such as household and personal goods, clothing, paintings, books, household appliances – from cutlery to a wine fridge – but also furniture! Hailong adapted to the needs of each object transported and each one was carefully wrapped and protected. Hailong not only moved household goods and personal objects, but also moved feelings: they developed best practices to keep us informed, rested, and satisfied throughout the process. Hailong monitored the entire moving process and handled all logistical procedures and customs documentation required for transport. They also maintained permanent and quick contact, meeting our needs, answering our questions, solving our problems. Finally, everything arrived at our door (there were 50 crates!) and everything was in the same condition as when we left China. I highly recommend them! Thank you very much Hailong!