• 营业时间


  • 7x14小时在线客服


> 出国搬家 > 晒单列表 > 从深圳市搬家到德国
2289 晒单次数
总体评分(2191) 安全可靠(2248) 服务一流(2259) 省心省力(2228) 跟进及时(2239) 性价比高(2249)


The experience we had with dragon sea moving company and also the relocation company has been wonderful. Everyone from the beginning to the end has been very helpful and supportive of this long but smooth process. Dragon sea moving company definitely delivered what they said they would do in a very positive manner. I was always able to contact Bill to talk about our items and he helped us so much to navigate this moving process along with his team. We are very happy about everything and are happy that we decided to choose dragon sea moving company. I will definitely suggest it to my friends who are also relocating without a doubt. It has been a very positive experience! Thank you dragon sea team!
  • 距离8712km
  • 海运船期32天
  • 体积4.2m³
  • 综合评分
总体评分: 安全可靠( 5 ) 服务一流( 5 ) 省心省力( 5 ) 跟进及时( 5 ) 性价比高( 5 )
The experience we had with dragon sea moving company and also the relocation company has been wonderful. Everyone from the beginning to the end has been very helpful and supportive of this long but smooth process. Dragon sea moving company definitely delivered what they said they would do in a very positive manner. I was always able to contact Bill to talk about our items and he helped us so much to navigate this moving process along with his team. We are very happy about everything and are happy that we decided to choose dragon sea moving company. I will definitely suggest it to my friends who are also relocating without a doubt. It has been a very positive experience! Thank you dragon sea team!