Sea Dragon was indicated to me by a friend who moved recently from Shanghai to Hongkong. First visit was arranged timely and professionaly, a quot was provided in the same day. The day of move two persons came and worked diligently and professionaly. I am so far very happy and will recommend your service in the future. 尊敬的客户:您好!感谢您使用我司从上海市搬家到意大利的国际搬家服务以及对我司工作人员服务的评价,您的满意是我司最大的动力,我司作为私人物品国际运输行业领导者,有着丰富的家具海运门到门搬家经验,后期会一如既往的为您提供方便快捷,放心的服务,将您此次搬家物品安全送达您的目的地的“家”中!
Sea Dragon was indicated to me by a friend who moved recently from Shanghai to Hongkong. First visit was arranged timely and professionaly, a quot was provided in the same day. The day of move two persons came and worked diligently and professionaly. I am so far very happy and will recommend your service in the future.