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> 出国搬家 > 晒单列表 > 从北京市搬家到瑞典
3234 晒单次数
总体评分(3094) 按时到达(3188) 纸箱质量(3200) 包装工艺(3174) 督导能力(3191) 整体服务(3203)


Hello ! This is Ms. Tina, 2015-12-03 I have people from move firm, they was excellent people how come to my home and safe my things From small to big very nice. Every things they take and safe it and tell me what for things inside and they put it in the box. They working quickly and safety with all things the take. They have a good attitude and laugh. Every box and things they take outside they tell me the number of the box. And when they was ready to go we go out together and they let me take A photo in the car. If I know in the future some people the shall move I can recommendation Dragonsea.
  • 距离7104km
  • 海运船期40天
  • 体积8m³
  • 综合评分
总体评分: 按时到达( 5 ) 纸箱质量( 5 ) 包装工艺( 5 ) 督导能力( 5 ) 整体服务( 5 )
Hello ! This is Ms. Tina, 2015-12-03 I have people from move firm, they was excellent people how come to my home and safe my things From small to big very nice. Every things they take and safe it and tell me what for things inside and they put it in the box. They working quickly and safety with all things the take. They have a good attitude and laugh. Every box and things they take outside they tell me the number of the box. And when they was ready to go we go out together and they let me take A photo in the car. If I know in the future some people the shall move I can recommendation Dragonsea.