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> 出国搬家 > 晒单列表 > 从深圳市搬家到澳大利亚
3234 晒单次数
总体评分(3094) 按时到达(3188) 纸箱质量(3200) 包装工艺(3174) 督导能力(3191) 整体服务(3203)


The two Dragonsea movers were very efficient and quick--maybe too quick. However they should have taken off the pedals off of the bikes in order to save us space. There were other areas in which they could have saved space. I had a 50RMB bike pump that got wrapped again and again in bubble wrap, making it excessively large--and it was not weapped with anything of similar size to create a space efficiencies. I appreciate that they were careful about ensiring things would not be broken, but it was at the expense of causing too much space.
Dear customer; Thankyou for your approval of our services. We are going to keep our subsequent services good and let you save worries and troubles!
  • 距离7448km
  • 海运船期16天
  • 体积6m³
  • 综合评分
总体评分: 按时到达( 5 ) 纸箱质量( 5 ) 包装工艺( 5 ) 督导能力( 5 ) 整体服务( 5 )
The two Dragonsea movers were very efficient and quick--maybe too quick. However they should have taken off the pedals off of the bikes in order to save us space. There were other areas in which they could have saved space. I had a 50RMB bike pump that got wrapped again and again in bubble wrap, making it excessively large--and it was not weapped with anything of similar size to create a space efficiencies. I appreciate that they were careful about ensiring things would not be broken, but it was at the expense of causing too much space.
Dear customer; Thankyou for your approval of our services. We are going to keep our subsequent services good and let you save worries and troubles!